Search Results "arik"

ARK 210 – Arikara Inflectional Morphology

Understanding of Arikara language structure is essential to teaching the language knowledgably and being effective in the classroom. Proper teaching of Arikara is dependent on a firm foundation in the rules of a language. This course is the primary linguistic introduction to Arikara grammar and particularly its inflectional and derivational morphology (the internal structure of words) and pedagogical approaches to explaining this grammar. The rules associated with Arikara verbal morphology are one of the most characteristic features of the language and are also a significant challenge for students.

ARK 110 – Arikara Phonology

A linguistic understanding of Arikara is essential for teaching the language knowledgeably, and for being an effective mentor in the classroom. Proper teaching of basic Arikara is dependent on having a clear understanding of the pronunciation of Arikara sounds, as well as a firm foundation in the sound system and the rules of the language. This course is an introduction to the Arikara phonetic and phonological system. Our general goal is to cover the fundamental phonetic aspects of the pronunciation of Arikara sounds, focusing on learning a writing system that allows us to capture those sound distinctions that are meaningful in the language.

ARK 102 – Teaching Arikara Level 2 Methods

This course is an intensive practical overview of teaching Arikara using the Speak Arikara! Level 2 Textbook. This course will also emphasize introducing and reinforcing vocabulary with flashcards, props, and Total Physical Response (TPR) methods. It will also address classroom management techniques for the language classroom as well as using different teaching modalities to address diverse learning styles. In addition, we will review the draft version of the textbook to improve the content for more effective teaching.

ARK 101 – Teaching Arikara Level 1 Methods

This course is an intensive practical overview of teaching Arikara using active and context based methods. We will learn how to teach basic Arikara words and phrases based on the vocabulary and lessons outlined in Speak Arikara! Level 1 Textbook. The learning and teaching methdology adopted emphasizes introducing and reinforcing vocabulary with flashcards, props, and Total Physical Response (TPR) methods. We will discuss management techniques for the language classroom as well as using different teaching modalities to address diverse learning styles.

Final Arikara Vocab Builder-01
Arikara Vocab Builder

We’re thrilled about the new Arikara Vocab Builder – play your way to better Arikara vocabulary skills! Now available for…

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