The MHA Language Project is picking up right where we left off in Summer of 2015, as we continue to create new language materials for our languages.

Hidatsa speakers and documentation associates are preparing to finish recording all the words for the Hidatsa online dictionary. Last year, in partnership with our friends at The Language Conservancy, documentation associates worked with speakers to record about 2,500 Hidatsa words – many of which were used to create the Hidatsa Vocab Builder. This year, we’ve got a great group of helpers ready to take on recording 3,000-4,000 new words. Additionally, documentation associates will work with speakers of Hiráaca, Sáhniš, and Nú’etaa to record narratives and stories, which will be transcribed and used for textbooks, children’s books, and other language materials in the future.
As a result of these recordings, we are happy to announce that the Mandan Vocab Builder is now available for Apple Devices (Android version available here). Learners can build their Mandan Vocabulary with the MHA Language Project free Vocabulary game for iPhone or iPad. We’ve also updated from the 2015 Android app to the new spelling system. Whether you are learning on your own, or taking a beginner’s Mandan class, Mandan Vocab Builder will help build your confidence in using new Mandan words.
And don’t forget that Hidatsa Vocab Builder and Arikara Vocab Builder are also available for iOS and Android!
To follow the adventures of our documentation projects this summer, stay tuned and check in on the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara, and The Language Conservancy Facebook pages.