MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

How to type Arikara on a PC

This download reconfigures your keyboard so you can type Arikara letters that aren’t usually found on an English keyboard. Soon you’ll be able to write Arikara anywhere on your computer – whether you’re posting to Facebook, writing an email, or creating a Word document.

Right-click the link below and click Save As to save the file to your computer. Then double-click on the file to begin the installation. If you are ever prompted for permission to continue, just click Run or Allow. You may have to turn of your anti-virus software to ensure the keyboard installs successfully.

Once you have installed the software, just press the Grave accent key key in the top-right corner of the keyboard to turn on the Arikara keyboard layout. When you are done typing Arikara, just press the key again to switch back to the English keyboard layout.

Alternatively, you can see a list of keyboard layouts that you have installed in the language toolbar in the bottom right corner of your screen. On Windows 7, click the Language toolbar icon icon and select US – Arikara from the list. On Windows 8, click the ENG – US tab and select US – Arikara from the list.

Arikara keyboard layout

There are some English letters that are not needed to type Arikara; these are the faded letters in the diagram. Some of these letters (shown in blue above) are used instead to type the unique Arikara letters:

D key produces the letter š as in šíhUx (“five”)
V key produces the letter č as in čiíRA (“hello”)
produces the glottal stop as in kaít (“sugar”)

Arikara words carry stress marks to show which syllable is louder. You can get the stress mark by pressing the apostrophe key Apostrophe key (shown in pink above) after you type a vowel. For example A key followed by Apostrophe key produces á as in sápat (“woman”).Whispered sounds are written with capital letters, like in the word kuNAhúx (“old man”). These can be typed as they are on the English keyboard: by either holding down the Shift key key or by pressing the Caps lock key key first.

Holding down the AltGr key key to the right of the space bar (shown in green above) makes the keys behave as they would in the English keyboard layout without requiring you to turn off the Arikara keyboard layout. You might find this function helpful if you are typing an Arikara text that requires only one or two English characters, for example in the sentence kutatAxaá’A David (“my name is David”) which requires the letters D and V (not found in the Arikara keyboard layout).

This software also installs a number of fonts on your computer so you can enhance the appearance of your word-processing and graphic work. These fonts are included in the software because many fonts still do not cater for the Arikara alphabet. We recommend printing out this page so that you have a visual reference of the Arikara-compatible fonts.

Andika New Basic
Arezzo Pro Rounded Demi
Artistic Pro
Avignon Pro Xlight
Barbedor Pro
Benjamin Gothic
Bonita Pro
Charis SIL
Dessau Pro
Dirty No3
Koblenz Pro
Liberation Mono
Liberation Sans
Liberation Serif
MPH 2B Damese
Orkney Pro
Sheffield Pro
Typewriter Pro
University Old Style